Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dems: Virginia Station Won't Air GOP Climate Change Ad, Citing Factual Errors (VIDEO)

If Republicans were smarter, that is a big IF, they would stay from talking about anything that has to do with the economy and climate change.

Heck, given their record, they should stay away from anything that has to do with the American people and their survival.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Republicans Complain: Obama Never Woos Us Anymore

Republicans Complain: Obama Never Woos Us Anymore

The President extended his hand in bipartisanship and the GOP brushed him off, gave him the cold shoulder and rejected him. And now they are complaining. That is what I call guts and hypocrisy.

President Obama has done more to reach out to the GOP than Former George Bush ever did when the Democrats were the minority.

The Republican whining and posture reminds me of that song "You Don't Bring Me Flowers."

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Friday, June 26, 2009

The Not-so-beautiful Game

The Not-so-beautiful Game

The United States Men's National Team made history yesterday (June 25, 2009) when it defeated Spain, the No. 1 ranked team in the world. Everyone celebrated and cheered even those who do not follow or are fans of soccer/football. Great and proud moment for this country. Our boys pulled off an upset. However, it appears that not everyone is truly happy about it. I am talking about neo-cons.

Click on the above link to read an article penned by Gary Schmitt, formerly of the Project for a New American Century. To say the least, it is an interesting and yet idiotic article. When you read it, you do not know if one should laugh out loud for the silliness or cry for the sheer stupidity.

Matthew Yglesias at thinkprogress does a quite nice job giving us a quick overview of Gary's post up. Then click here to read a nice rebuttal to Gary's article by Alex Massie.

Bachmann Warns Of Link Between Census, Japanese Internment | TPMDC | jorgeinla's Xanga Site - Weblog

Bachmann Warns Of Link Between Census, Japanese Internment | TPMDC |

Yep, you've heard it folks. Jut when you thought Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) could not get any nuttier, crazier and weirder, once again, she has proved us wrong.

It is true that much discussion has been centered around the role of the US Census in World War II and how such of that data was utilized to intern Japanese-Americans in concentration camps.

You can click here and here and here for more information on such discussion.

However, let us make it clear that by using such rationale to refuse to comply with the US Census, Congresswoman Bachmann has disrespected the Japanese-American Community, has taken it to a different level and brought back to the forefront a dark era this country wants to forget.

Are you, constituents of her district, proud of this elected official?

She never stops embarrassing herself, the United States Congress and those she represents.

P.S. Wasn't President Roosevelt dead in 1947?

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Anthony Van Loo’s Heart Attack on the Pitch

Just when you think you have seen it or heard it all, there is always more. Belgian news reports that Anthony Van Loo, a 20-year-old Belgian soccer player, had a heart attack while playing a match for his team, K.S.V. Roeselare.

After a header to clear the ball, Anthony went down and began suffering seizures. The posted video (above) shows him walking towards an out-of-bounds ball and collapsing.

As he lays on his back, teammates and trainers rush to his side. That is when Van Loo’s body suddenly jolts, legs jerking/ kicking.

About a year ago, Anthony was diagnosed with a heart condition but was allowed by his doctor after a defibrillator was implanted in his chest. Yep, you heard right– a defibrillator. That same defibrillator saved his life on that pitch.

This is the magic of medical technology at work. Amazing!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary Landrieu Opposed To Public Health Care Option

If Senator Landrieu finds that a government health care option may not be the right choice for whatever reason (we still don't what that her reason is), then she and other politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, including their families, should forgo their taxpayer-funded coverage until they can come up with a reasonable and decent option for this country.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Republican Financial Regulation Alternative Reins In Federal Reserve

Is this for real? These are the same people who either looked the other way or fell asleep at the wheel while their fearless leader pillaged and drove the economy over the cliff?

These people cannot even be trusted with running a lemonade stand.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost